Stay Hydrated in the winter too!. Plenty of us think that hydration is only for the hot summer months when we’re sweating the most. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Well, not when it comes to avoiding the cold and the cough. Sure, the winter months don’t make us thirsty as we’d like but that doesn’t mean you should decrease your daily water consumption. No! But feel free to spice things up. It doesn’t have to be plain water. A nice herbal unsweetened tea is OK. And so is squeezed orange juice. Get creative! Visit our Health Blog to find out more. (link to articles in the category) In this section, we are providing you with useful information and advice related to respiratory tract infections, generally described as cold & flu. You will also find information about acute cough, which is often an associted symptom to cold and flu. Cold & flu are viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, and are the most frequent types of infections. They typically appear in the cold periods of the year. It is normal that an adult person would have Becutan Kids Vits Imuno 3 – 4 upper respiratory infections a year. In children these infections are even more frequent, with up to 10 infections per year considered being normal. What are the symptoms of Cold and Flu? Colds are mild infections. They are generally associated with symptoms as sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, dry cough and mild increase of body temperature. Flus are infections usually with more pronounced symptoms. Some of the symptoms are generally similar to colds, and are additionally associated with high body temperature, fever and physical pain. Sometimes these infections can result with consequential dry or wet cough or even a bacterial infection when administration of antibiotic would be required.
Stay Hydrated in the winter too!. Plenty of us think that hydration is only for the hot summer months when we’re sweating the most. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Well, not when it comes to avoiding the cold and the cough. Sure, the winter months don’t make us thirsty as we’d like but that doesn’t mean you should decrease your daily water consumption. No! But feel free to spice things up. It doesn’t have to be plain water. A nice herbal unsweetened tea is OK. And so is squeezed orange juice. Get creative! Visit our Health Blog to find out more. (link to articles in the category)
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Stay Hydrated in the winter too!. Plenty of us think that hydration is only for the hot summer months when we’re sweating the most. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Well, not when it comes to avoiding the cold and the cough. Sure, the winter months don’t make us thirsty as we’d like but that doesn’t mean you should decrease your daily water consumption. No! But feel free to spice things up. It doesn’t have to be plain water. A nice herbal unsweetened tea is OK. And so is squeezed orange juice. Get creative! Visit our Health Blog to find out more. (link to articles in the category)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.